08 8365 2680  |   

Making an appointment


How to Make Your Appointment

By Phone   Please call us on 83652680. We may be unable to answer your call but we will return your call as soon as possible.

Online  Online booking is the most efficient and convenient way to choose and book the appointment that suits you best, please click on the website link above. A payment / deposit may be required to reserve your booking.


What to expect at your first appointment

Arrive a few minutes early to complete your registration details and health questionnaire.

During the one hour initial appointment, we will ask about the history of your symptoms and past medical history. This is followed by a thorough assessment of the whole body to determine the cause and your symptoms.

We will spend time explaining what we find to help you understand the reasons for your symptoms and we will form a treatment plan with your goals and expectations in mind.

We will finish the consult by treating the most important component(s) of your complaint and documenting the outcome of this treatment.


Follow up Appointments

We believe in spending the time with you that you deserve which is why all follow up appointments are for one hour. If we find your condition to be non-complex, we may choose to shorten follow up appointments.

Your session will include, questioning and reassessment, manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and advice.


Cancelling / rescheduling / missed appointments

12 hours notice by telephone is required to avoid being charged for appointment changes. Please call 83652680 to reschedule or cancel your appointment.

Missed appointments will be charged.


Late Arrival

Please arrive a few minutes early for your appointment. We do our best to run on time and we respect your time is as valuable as ours. If you arrive late, your appointment may be shortened in respect for the next client.